
Uncle John's Bathroom Reader Plunges into Michigan


The ultimate guide to Michigan, all the way from Yooper territory (Upper Peninsula) down to Loper land (Lower Peninsula).

What do Yoopers and Trolls have in common? Not much to hear them tell it, but both types of Michigander appreciate great bathroom reading. And they’re proud to call Michigan home! Celebrate the state that brought us Motown, Henry Ford, and the world’s only floating post office. So no matter which peninsula you call home, get ready for a funny, unforgettable visit. Read about…

Feather bowling Shipwrecked in Paradise Go to Hell and back in Hell, Michigan Michigan’s other famous Ford: a president named Gerald The Red Flannel Festival, and other ways Michiganders brave the winter How a 1966 Michigan State University game changed football forever Michigan’s role in the birth of rock ’n’ roll Test your knowledge of the Great Lakes Detroit’s Whiskey River Smelt dipping 101And much, much more!